Comic Books & Graphic NovelsTelevision & Film

Trailer Park 7.29.11

Where to begin? So many clips have come out of Comic Con. So, let’s just dive in with the Doctor:




And here’s a look at the new anime Iron Man and Wolverine shows:


From G4:

This summer, G4 and Marvel team up to bring fans a whole new way to see their favorite Super Heroes with the premiere of two original Marvel anime series, “Iron Man” and “Wolverine.” The eagerly anticipated series will air exclusively on G4 with twelve half-hour weekly episodes that include interconnecting storylines and cameo appearances by several popular Marvel characters. G4 viewers can be part of all the action when “Iron Man” premieres on Friday July 29th at 11pm ET/PT followed by “Wolverine” at 11:30pm ET/PT and will air weekly Fridays from 11:00-Midnight ET/PT. With epic battles, action-packed storylines and mind-blowing animation, these series star some of the most popular Super Hero comic book characters of all time. And for more intense action, two new Marvel anime series – X-Men and Blade – will premiere later this year, exclusively on G4.

On the video game front, here’s the new “Battlefield 3” trailer from EA:


Namco Bandai Games has this trailer for the new “Ace Combat: Assault Horizon”, coming out October 11:


And this trailer debuted at SDCC:


As did this one:


This film is from Griffith Pictures, and includes “Star Trek” alum Ronny Cox in the cast. The short piece has won several awards, and is part of an effort to turn the project into a feature film. The full short can be seen over on io9.

Speaking of “Star Trek”, Gene Roddenberry’s son has produced a documentary that examines the life and times of the Great Bird. Included are interviews with notables from around the science fiction community, including Stan Lee, J J Abrams, and George Lucas.


And finally, this trailer for the new Silent Hill: Downpour game in age-restricted, probably for some of the hints of violence toward the end:


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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