Author: Deborah J Bell


Steampunk Poised to Become ‘The Next Big Thing’

With hoards of sci-fi fans waiting to descend upon San Diego next week for Comic Con 2013, I thought it would be a good time to catch up with Fred Jeska, Steampunk craftsman extraordinaire and the proprietor of Kelly’s Heroes.

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'Revolution' Episode 16 review: ‘The Love Boat’

My momma taught me long ago that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. If I followed her excellent advice, this week’s Revolution review would necessarily be an extremely short one. So, here I have to say I’m sorry, mom, please forgive what follows.

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REVOLUTION Episode 15 review: ‘Home’

In the aftermath of a recent battle with Monroe’s forces, Miles and Hudson ponder the high cost of victory, while on the the losing side of the battle, General Monroe hatches another plot to kill his enemy Miles involving their former girlfriend, Emma. Rachel and Aaron continue on their trek to the Tower and run into a familiar face.

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REVOLUTION Episode 13 review: ‘The Song Remains the Same’

Revolution finally gets it right with its strongest episode to date. “The Song Remains the Same” is an acting tour de force for Giancarlo Esposito, who plays bad guy Tom Neville. Even though he is tied to a chair for most of the episode, it is truly amazing what Esposito accomplishes with just the barest grimace or sideways glance. It is obvious right from the start that the intensity this actor brings to his role inspired the rest of the cast to up their game, with the result being a far more intriguing episode than usual.

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OpinionTelevision & Film

REVOLUTION Episode 11 review: ‘The Stand’

After a lengthy and potentially amnesia-inducing four-month hiatus, NBC’s Revolution returned to television screens last night with “The Stand.” The long-awaited second half of the season started off with a real bang, and interestingly, contained far less whimpering than past episodes. But does it really deliver?

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Television & Film

Watch the first minute of REVOLUTION’s return

Eric Kripke and J.J. Abrams introduce the first minute of Revolution’s return with a brand new preview clip, in which Abrams promises that, “the second half of the first season is just bigger and cooler and gets more intense.” This is good news for fans of the NBC post apocalyptic sci-fi drama that have been waiting patiently for the show’s return during an interminably long four-month hiatus.

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Horror4MeTelevision & Film

Why we love to be scared: EMP’s "Can’t Look Away" horror exhibit

Now at EMP Museum in Seattle, WA, “Can’t Look Away: The Lure of Horror Film” exhibit explores the role that horror plays in the human experience and how it’s been represented in 100 years of film and contemporary culture. Three of the world’s most prolific horror film directors — John Landis, Roger Corman and Eli Roth — were invited by the museum to handpick a selection of favorite films which exemplify the influence and scope of cinematic horror.

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Television & Film

9 Ways to get ready for REVOLUTION’s return in March

Revolution has been taking a break since November, but last according to TVLine, this January chief of NBC Robert Greenblatt said, “The first episode back is a big episode that completely turns the story in a really significant way. It kind of sends the second half of the season off on a new trajectory.” Greenblatt added that one reason NBC wanted to keep Revolution off the air for a while was their desire to bring it back with a strong lead-in show. Watch the two-minute promo!

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