
ADVERTISE WITH US (and the Horror4Me subset) are aimed specifically at fans of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres in all media – books, movies, television, video games, and online.

SciFi4Me Advertising Kit Aug 2020

Our Brands

SciFi4Me is our flagship site, a 24-hour news and entertainment web site dedicated to the coverage of the science fiction and fantasy genres in film, literature, television, video games, and comic books. Our work can be described as “geek journalism” — our reporters and pundits are fans of everything from ray guns to swords, dragons to spaceships, and everything in between. It’s our passion for the genre that fuels our passion to tell other people about the latest happenings from around the world.

Horror4Me grew out of a growing need to address the increase in horror-specific press material we’d been receiving, along with the review copies of books and movies. Although science fiction and horror often overlap, they are not always connected, and we saw an opportunity to appeal to another segment of the genre audience, one that isn’t very well-served online.

Based in Kansas City, Missouri, SciFi4Me delivers information from a variety of sources in an effort to provide comprehensive coverage in a timely fashion. Our efforts have led to a few “scoops” and “exclusives”, certainly, but the goal is being accurate more often than being first with a story. Our coverage includes traditional news articles, book reviews, movie reviews, television show recaps, celebrity interviews, podcasts, original video productions, and convention news. Through the use of various types of content, we appeal to a very broad group of people among the genre fan base.


Our Market

From Fan Studies 101:

To define fan is a fraught activity, but generally, a fan is taken to be someone who engages within a subculture organized around a specific object of study, be it Star Trek, science fiction literature, Sherlock Holmes, anime, comics, gaming, or sports. Fans engage in a range of activities related to their passion: they write derivative literature called fan fiction, they create artworks, they write what’s known as meta (analyses of fandom itself, or analysis of analysis), they play role-playing games, they blog, they make fan vids, and they organize and attend conventions. Not least, they create and pass along a culture, with its attendant rules of behavior and acceptability.

They’re not just middle-aged men living in the basement at Mom’s house. Science fiction fans come from all walks of life, from all over the world. And it’s that sense of community that allows fans to come together at conventions, comic book shops, TV sets and movie theaters to share a common interest – whether it’s Star Trek or Superman, Firefly or The Avengers.

Fans of science fiction can be high school students, college graduates, doctors, lawyers, engineers, carpenters, teachers… even astronauts (such as Dr. Mae Jemison, who appeared on Star Trek: The Next Generation and encountered her own star-struck fans among the cast and crew).


Our Audience

They come from all over the world. Mostly from the United States, but science fiction transcends borders and languages.

Our audience is anyone who appreciates science fiction or fantasy stories. These could be people who have been reading Asimov and Bradbury their whole lives, or the casual fan who just found the genre through Guardians of the Galaxy or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The depth and breadth of fandom is incredible, and it affords us opportunities to reach out to a broad mix of people.

The science fiction fan tends to be an early adopter of new technology, because we’re the ones who want Star Trek to be real. We were the first to buy iPhones, iPads, laptops, fancy cameras, high definition TVs, gadgets of all shapes and sizes. Because SF fans like to be on the cutting edge of society.

Over on Facebook, our audience is pretty well split down the middle between male and female natives to Earth. The majority are in the 35-44 demo, while the most activity – responses, comments, etc. – come from the 18-24 demo.

But our demographic reach is broader than similar web sites. We appeal to adults 18 to 54, giving us an edge over io9, The Mary Sue, and others that primarily reach only the 18-24 bracket.

Our readers are mostly college educated; some have advanced degrees, while others are still in school. Many attend science fiction and comic book conventions, and they frequently are collectors of memorabilia, comics, sculptures, props, costumes, and the like.


Our Performance

Our page view count may be smaller than we prefer, but our performance numbers are currently better than io9’s, according to

SciFi4Me – bounce rate 79.5%   Page views/visitor 1.1   Daily time on site 1:26
io9 – bounce rate: 80.4%  Page views/visitor 1.3   Daily time on site 1:02


Advertising Opportunities:
  • Leaderboard 728×90 — Top Header position — $50/mo
  • Display Ad 300×250 — Main Right Sidebar — $20/mo
  • Display Ad 300×250 — Category/Topic Specific Sidebar — $30/mo
  • Show Sponsorship — $275/yr
  • Video+Podcast Commercial — 15 seconds — $225/yr
  • Video Commercial — 15 seconds — $175/yr
  • Podcast Commercial — 15 seconds — $100/yr

Our sidebars and headers are sometimes driven by category-specific instructions. Each of our podcasts has its own layout, as do particular categories for certain articles. So there are opportunities for you to target your advertising based on which of our content is a “best fit” for your product or service.



Contact us today to discuss how we can help you reach a focused, dedicated market.







“Fan Studies 101,” SFRA Review 287 (Winter 2009): 5–7, Karen Hellekson

Geek Culture: An Annotated Interdisciplinary Bibliography, William L. Svitavsky

“Comic Studies 101,” SFRA Review 284 (Spring 2008): 4–7, Joe Sutliff Sanders



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