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E3 DAY ONE Roundup – 6.5.12

Here’s the news out of E3 Days Zero and One!

Activision has a several TBD release date games including 007 Legends set in the Bond universe, Skylander Giants as a followup to the successful game and toy line, and Transformers: The Fall of Cybertron

The Amazing Spider-Man video game which is in correlation with the film reboot will be out for PS3, XBOX 360, PC, and DS platforms is set to drop June 26th of this year. Screenshots and art are now available on the E3 Insider website.

Bethesda has a lot going for it this year with everything in the Elder Scrolls world, but they also have a brand new game in the works. Dishonored combines “steampunk-inspired technology and otherworldly mysticism” and proves to look interesting. Screenshots can be found at the E3 Insider websiteDishonored will be a PS3/XBOX 360/PC game with release date tbd.

Of course, the two big words on everyone’s lips right now for Bethesda are “Elder” and “Scrolls.” As of yet, there’s no more news on the Elder Scrolls MMO, and the word is that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Dawnguard will provide players with 10-20 hours of new gameplay. More news as it breaks.

Capcom has plenty of big news out of their camp… the Devil May Cry franchise is returning as a retelling in DmC.


Lost Planet 3 is also achieving some buzz after the trailer dropped.


The Resident Evil franchise has a new trailer and artwork (for 6 and the Chronicles HD Collection respectively.)


Capcom continues the trailer beauty with the announcement of Kinect compatible Steel Battalion Heavy Armor as well as Street Fighter X: Tekken.

The announcements out of the Disney booth are pretty standard, so far, with a game to tie in to their newest release, Brave and a couple of Mickey and Princess games.

The EA Press Conference covered a lot of meaty glory and corporate buzzwords.


Konami released a lot of artwork out of their upcoming Castlevania game and Metal Gear Rising: Revengence had an E3 Exclusive Trailer drop.


Of course, Lucasfilm broke early news about their newest game in the Star Wars UniverseStar Wars 1313 before the conference started, so it almost goes without listing here.

And now we reach the giant of Microsoft.


Of course, there are two huge things coming out of the press conference and the Microsoft booth…Halo 4…


…and Microsoft SmartGlass.


Namco Bandai had a few noteworthy blips, especially a screenshot from the newest Star Trek game (and the only one to be tied into the J.J. Abrams reboot so far).

Nintendo‘s press conference had plenty of coverage…


Perfect World had a strong showing with a focus on their upcoming Neverwinter game.

 Sega released a gameplay trailer for their newest game in the Aliens franchise- Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Sony had plenty to talk about with their upcoming releases…


Their online division, Sony Online Entertainment also has info on DC Universe Online DLC.

Square Enix has stuff coming out from its Kingdom Hearts franchiseFinal Fantasy, Heroes of Ruinand Tomb Raider.


Tecmo Koei has the newest Pokemon game (Pokemon Conquest) set to release June 18th, 2012 for Nintendo DS. (Anyone have a DS I can borrow?)

THQ has a page simply titled “Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III” for PC due out December 1st, 2013.

Trion Worlds has basic info on the upcoming Rift expansion (titled Storm Legion).

Ubisoft had plenty to say on day one…


And, lastly, Warner Bros has multiple tie-in releases including Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition for the WiiU, Harry Potter for Kinect, and Lego Batman 2.

FYI: In case the press conferences were a bit tedious to watch, the biggest news out of the Nintendo camp is the aforementioned WiiU.


No opinions are coming from my fingers here, that’ll be for later. Now, to bed so I can check out more detailed coverage out of E3 Day Two tomorrow!

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