Disney Announces New Animated STAR WARS Series
The rumors about a new animated season turn out to be true.
Read MoreThe rumors about a new animated season turn out to be true.
Read MoreI have so many feels about STAR WARS Celebration I don’t know what to do about it. And we have four days left!
Read MoreMack has the latest news from the STAR WARS universe — more on THE MANDALORIAN, Celebration (a trailer?), and new Merch!
Read MoreNew rumors for THE LAST JEDI. And did Rian Johnson LIE about toy spoilers? Because we see some toy spoilers. Plus: How DID Phasma escape to live again? All that and more…
Read MoreColin Trevorrow cuts ties with the final chapter of the STAR WARS Trilogy.
Read MoreThis week, we take a look at some of the new merchandise out for Force Friday, in addition to new speculation about THE LAST JEDI and Han Solo’s legacy.
Read MoreSTAR WARS is in this week’s issue of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, and we have a roundup of the latest reveals, questions, and speculations!
Read MoreMackenna brings you all the latest STAR WARS news from Disney’s D23 Expo: HAN SOLO teases from Ron Howard, LAST JEDI and its impact on the Skywalker saga, and more!
Read MoreNew details on the firing of Phil Lord & Chris Miller. Toys & merch coming to SDCC. New books and comics. PLUS: Rian Johnson may have spoiled the entire plot of THE LAST JEDI!
Read MoreEpisode 49 – is the Han Solo project in trouble? How did Mark Hamill REALLY react to Episode VIII? Will we see more of Snoke and his guards? Plus: details from Carrie Fisher’s autopsy report.
Read MoreHalfway through principle shooting of the STAR WARS Han Solo project, Lucasfilm changes the director to from Phil Lord and Christopher Miller to Ron Howard.
Read MoreWhat’s up with the lightsabers? Will we get new movie announcements at D23? Details about the theft at Rancho Obi-Wan and how you can help. And who is Snoke?
Read MoreMackenna has the latest news and rumors about THE LAST JEDI, new comics, new fashion accessories, and new rumors about the solo (Han) Solo movie! Have your red cups ready!
Read MoreThis week: Mark Hamill had different expectations for THE FORCE AWAKENS, and in the wake of Carrie Fisher’s death, what happens to the story? Plus: rumors about the Han Solo solo film, maybe some news at D-23, and fashion accessories for when you go to the SW concert in NY?
Read MoreEpisode 45: host Mackenna Riley serves up the latest STAR WARS news and rumor — with a side of Dark Side Toast! What might we see at Celebration? Woody Harrelson said what? And what are the plans for General Leia Organa?
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