Welcome Back to JURASSIC PARK: Dern, Neill, Goldblum to Return
Man makes movie. Movie makes franchise. Franchise makes full circle. Fans rules the Earth?
Read MoreMan makes movie. Movie makes franchise. Franchise makes full circle. Fans rules the Earth?
Read MoreNew rumors for THE LAST JEDI. And did Rian Johnson LIE about toy spoilers? Because we see some toy spoilers. Plus: How DID Phasma escape to live again? All that and more…
Read MoreColin Trevorrow cuts ties with the final chapter of the STAR WARS Trilogy.
Read MoreEpisode 49 – is the Han Solo project in trouble? How did Mark Hamill REALLY react to Episode VIII? Will we see more of Snoke and his guards? Plus: details from Carrie Fisher’s autopsy report.
Read MoreThis week: Mark Hamill had different expectations for THE FORCE AWAKENS, and in the wake of Carrie Fisher’s death, what happens to the story? Plus: rumors about the Han Solo solo film, maybe some news at D-23, and fashion accessories for when you go to the SW concert in NY?
Read MoreWhere is director Colin Trevorrow taking the dinosaurs in JURASSIC WORLD 2?
Read MoreThis week: is the modern movie landscape making it more difficult for new and independent filmmakers to break into the marketplace and find an audience? Where is the next George Lucas?
Read MoreThe Force Awakens is racing toward $2 billion, and will cross that threshold sometime this weekend. Deadline is already reporting
Read MoreUniversal announced June 22, 2018 as the release for Jurassic World 2. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will return for
Read MoreDirector Colin Trevorrow has his next project lined up at DreamWorks: Intelligent Life, which he wrote with his Jurassic
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