
Balan Wonderworld Release Date Announced by Square Enix

Square Enix announced the that its upcoming platforming game, Balan Wonderland, will be released on March 26th, 2021. Made by the creators of Sonic The Hedgehog, the game focuses around the adventures of a maestro named Balan, who’s on a quest to stop monsters made out of the negative emotions of other people. The gameplay revolves around jumping, flying, and even smashing obstacles that get in between you and your destination, like many other platformers. Square also showed off a new multiplayer feature, that will let you finish levels with people over the Internet cooperatively.

This project will mark the first game made by Balan Company. Created by renowned director Yuji Naka (Sonic the Hedgehog) and Naoto Ohshima (Sonic the Hedgehog), the game will mark the first time the two have worked with each other in 20 years. Balan Company has announced that their new company will create games exclusively in the platformer genre, though they will also strive to create “the greatest narratives.”

Preorders are live on Balan Wonderworld right now. The game will be available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation5 console, PlayStation4 console, Xbox One and Xbox Series X with support for Smart Delivery and PC (STEAMĀ®). Pre-orders for current gen platforms (Switch, PS4, XBox One, PC) are available now on the Square Enix online store.

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