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AVENGERS Roundup – 3.15.12 [UPDATED]

The guys at Marvel have been super busy. Between the new digital comics announcement at South by Southwest, the debut of Marvel Universe on Disney XD headlined by Ultimate Spider-Man, the summer event Avengers vs. X-Men that’s supposed to change everything about the Marvelverse, and the slate of movies coming soon to a theater near you… whew!

Let’s get crackin’…

First up, the Japanese trailer, with footage not seen before:



First, the trailer:


Now, the new posters.

But before The Avengers hits theaters, you might want to take the refresher course. On May 3rd, AMC Theaters will be running a marathon of the Marvel movies leading up to the new team-up movie blockbuster event of the summer. The Avengers will be a midnight premiere screening.

  • Iron Man
  • The Incredible Hulk
  • Iron Man 2
  • Thor in 3D
  • Captain America in 3D
  • The Avengers in 3D

Those are the current members in the upcoming movie. Still no Ant Man or Wasp. Although Newsarama and WhatCulture! each have top ten lists of cameos that should be in the movie. Their picks. As fans.

And if you’re behind and need a little tutorial on what The Avengers is actually all about and who these people are, you can check out these primers from Media Geeks and AMC’s Nick Nadel (although Nadel seems to not know the villains were spoiled at Toy Fair). To find out more, you can watch the latest issue of Comic Con Carne and watch for the “Watcher” clip.

Also at Toy Fair: Hasbro. The company unveiled their new line of Marvel-licensed toys, including a Red Hulk action figure, a “Mega Web-Shooting Spider-Man” and more. [Details at] And some of them talk, using phrases from the movie. Oh, and you know the original (and still the only) live-action Hulk – Lou Ferrigno – is back as the voice of Hulk, right? [Comic Book Movie]

Geeks of Doom has images of the Lego Marvel line-up, but it most noticeably does not include pictures of the movie villains.


In SFX #220, director Joss Whedon talks about the challenges in bringing to life a believable Hulk. And at South by Southwest, Whedon confirmed that the villains will not be either the Skrulls or the Kree. [Entertainment Weekly] Whedon also spoke with SFX magazine about the story possibilities for a sequel, saying he’d want to “go smaller” and get deeper into the characters. [SFX via Digital Spy]

Speaking of Toy Fair, there were a lot of Avengers and Marvel related items discussed with Marvel’s “Watcher” program, and Dr. Pepper will also have a promotional tie-in with the characters on cans. [Unleash the Fanboy]

Activision… for your Marvelvision

The Hollywood Reporter has this article on the new relationship between Marvel and Activision. At the Games Developers Conference, where The Amazing Spider-Man had its debut, VP of Games production TQ Jefferson talked about adapting the comics properties for video games. Jefferson also confirmed that Marvel will no longer be developing any games with Sega. [Full story at THR]

Speaking of video games, have you seen the new Marvel: Avengers Alliance game on Facebook?

Click to visit the game app on FB. Will it be the next Farmville?

Can you imagine? “Rina needs a Mjölnir and a pound of vibranium.”

Yeah. Good times.

[The latest at]

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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