Television & Film

STAR WARS Begins Shooting in May

At today’s shareholders meeting for The Walt Disney Company, company chief Bob Iger announced that Star Wars: Episode VII would begin shooting in May.

No other details came out of the meeting, but Iger says the concept art “really looks amazing. For now, that’s it. I’ll get in trouble if I say more.”

UPDATE: Read the official press release here.

With a release planned for December 18, 2015, the project has been surrounded by rumors and speculation, but not much of any real substance has been confirmed, other than John Williams is composing the score, and R2-D2 is part of the cast. J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan are crafting the script after Michael Arndt’s departure, amid talk that the original draft was too focused on a younger generation. The current draft is said to put the original trilogy cast front and center in a story that perhaps serves as a “passing the baton” film.

Casting rumors continue unabated, the latest being that Adam Driver is in talks to play a villain. Jesse Plemons, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Gary Oldman are also said to be in consideration for roles, but so is just about everyone else in Hollywood and London.

On that note, we spoke with Femi Taylor over the weekend at Planet Comicon in Kansas City, and she says she’d love to return to the Star Wars universe. Probably not as Oola, of course… video of that interview will be forthcoming.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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