PodcastReviewsTelevision & Film

ROGUES GALLERY #55: Tis the Season for Finales


For a lot of the shows, it’s season finale time, and for some of the shows, it couldn’t come at a better time. Because more than a few of these story lines are drifting into “oh, please” territory, and we have concerns that if they continue on their present trajectory…. well, maybe one more season for some.

Arrow ended with another burning, because it’s the season finale and something has to burn. Supergirl ended with a big thud named Mon-El, and The Flash ends … without the Flash?

The panel: Ann Laabs, Jeff Hackworth, Thomas Townley, Tim Harvey, Jason Hunt

[audioplayer file="http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-rogues-gallery-1e4979dfe/ROGUES-GALLERY-55-Tis-the-Season-for-Finales-5149" titles="ROGUES GALLERY #55: Tis the Season for Finales" artists="SciFi4Me Radio" track="ae0404" text="ffffff"]

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