ROGUES GALLERY #38: President Wonder Woman, Stupid Green Arrow, and Love in Gotham
This week, Dustin has a bone to pick with the next-to-last reveal in Supergirl, because she’s the President of the United States and There Are Rules! But overall, the fact that we got Wonder Woman — OK, Lynda Carter — on a superhero show is just squee-worthy.
Meanwhile, Gotham looks like they’re gonna go there, at least with Oswald. Maybe not so much with Nygma. And James Gordon remains one of the stupidest characters on television, but this week he’s got a run for his money from Oliver Queen, as Arrow delivers one of the most bone-headed jailbreak stories of all time.
Some fun bits and niggling complaints about The Flash, and there are some in the group who take exception to the historical inaccuracies on Legends of Tomorrow.
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The panel: Ann Laabs, Kathryn Sanders, Jeff Hackworth, Dustin Adair, Jason Hunt