GRIMM -- "Breakfast in Bed" Episode 606 -- Pictured: Charles Baker as Dan Wells -- (Photo by: Allyson Riggs/NBC)
PodcastReviewsTelevision & Film

GRIMM Doesn’t Give Sweet Dreams

Episode 606 “Breakfast In Bed”
Written by Kyle Mc Vey
Directed by Julie Herlocker

[recap by Maia Ades]

Do you feel like Grimm is bringing their story to a close? How do you feel about more police cases being introduced? Personally, I have mixed feelings. I see the ground work being laid for a grand finale. And it looks like the very final episode will be to tie up lose ends. I guess my biggest question is how many lose ends will there be and will they be able to do that in one episode.

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For the second week in a row there’s a surprise at the end of the episode. I was especially fond of the hungry, hungry hippo last week. This week’s surprise I will concede, I didn’t get the joke. Teresa Wickersham knew what was up. She caught that the last name of the man at the end of the hall was Herring. And when he woged at the end, what was he… a red Herring. Yes, very clever Grimm folks.  These are the jokes. We’re here till March 31, when the final episode airs.

(Photo by: Allyson Riggs/NBC)

Interestingly, Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Diana (Hannah R. Loyd) are not in this episode at all. That was a bit of a surprise because they are major characters this season. Also, I thought that Diana would have more involvement with the deciphering of the tunnel scrawls that Eve (Elizabeth Tulloch) made.

The other character absent was Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni). There hasn’t been even a whisper of her name since she left on a HW mission. I wonder how long she will be away. I’m pretty sure her friends in Portland could use her machete skills.

(Photo by: Allyson Riggs/NBC)

Really, this episode raised many more questions that it answered. Is Meisner (Damien Puckler) completely done haunting Renard (Sahsa Roiz)? Does choosing the right side get a ghost to leave you alone? He did literally disappear into thin air. However, based on my knowledge of ghosts from movies and TV, that might not be the end.

What is Eve at this point? She’s not quite Eve, but also definitely not Juliette. I thought I saw a glimmer of feelings for Nick (David Giuntoli). And, in case you missed it, a lock of her hair was not held back. You may think that’s just an accident. It’s not. It’s a clue, a teaser deliberately placed there by the writers, director or maybe just something that Tulloch came up with herself. But it’s not an accident. Trust me on this one. If I’m wrong, you can bombard me with comments about how wrong I was.

Interesting Wesen design this week. It reminded each of us on Grimmly Speaking of a different monster. Which means it was enough like other monsters that it made us think of those and different enough that each of us thought of a different one. In the early days of this show the Wesen were taken directly from Grimm Fairy Tales. I think we left that station a long time ago. Apparently this does have a basis in folklore but I don’t think it’s a Grimm Fairy Tale.

(Photo by: Allyson Riggs/NBC)

This week gave us some more of the old Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) that I like so much. Monroe provided more information on the Wesen Nick and Hank (Russell Hornsby) faced. I’m glad to see more resources being used to learn about the Wesen than just going to the books. Oh, and the full color illustration was a very nice touch.

If Monroe and Rosalee (Bree Turner) are going to leave Portland to seek less violent pastures, they didn’t make any progress on that. I mean Renard can move, seemingly over night, I think they could at least be discussing where they might want to move to. Although the selfish part of me doesn’t want to lose them in this show. Hey, there’s only seven episodes left. They can stick it out that long.


Grimm airs Friday nights at 8/7c on NBC.

Maia Ades

Maia Ades resented the demanding schedule of first grade, as it interfered with her afternoon TV schedule. Now she watches TV for "research" and in order to write show reviews. She is currently involved in independent film production, and enjoys creating fine art.

One thought on “GRIMM Doesn’t Give Sweet Dreams

  • I do hope Trubel is back for the last episodes.


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