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ANNE HATHAWAY says "Meow!" for Nolan [UPDATED]

Warner Brothers has announced that ANNE HATHAWAY will take on the role of slinky Selina Kyle in The Dark Knight Rises, while speculation about TOM HARDY‘s role ends with the news that he’ll play Bane.

CHRISTIAN BALE returns for his third outing as Bruce Wayne/Batman, joining MORGAN FREEMAN, GARY OLDMAN, and MICHEAL CAINE in the final installment by the Nolan team.

Avid fans will remember Bane as the one villain who actually managed to break the Bat – literally. During the “Knightfall” arc in 1993-1994, when Bruce Wayne was replaced as Batman, by Jean-Paul Valley. Fans may also remember that Bane was not a henchman or sidekick bit player at that point.

Selina Kyle, of course, is the notorious Catwoman – jewel thief, cat burglar, sometime girlfriend and partner-of-convenience to the Caped Crusader. In Frank Miller’s “Batman: Year One”, she was a prostitute turned cat burglar, which actually would fit the Nolan-verse quite well, in terms of tone and style.

Director CHRISTOPHER NOLAN says, “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Anne Hathaway, who will be a fantastic addition to our ensemble as we complete our story.” Nolan worked with Hardy on Inception, and says, “I am delighted to be working with Tom again and excited to watch him bring to life our new interpretation of one of Batman’s most formidable enemies.”

Sounds like Bane’s not taking a back seat this time.

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[MORE at L.A. Times]

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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