Conventions & Events

The Geekly with a Twist: September 2nd – 8th

Hey everyone…Annaleigh back again for your Geekly.  In spite of technology issues, I am pushing through to make sure to be there for you all!  (Okay, so it’s not as noble as I’m making it sound, but I’m tryin’ here.)

Image Courtesy of Memory Alpha and Property Paramount

September 2nd, 1969: A sad day in geek history, “Star Trek” is cancelled.

September 2nd, 1948: Christa McAuliffe, history teacher extraordinaire, is born in Boston, Massachusetts.  She would unfortunately be killed in the Challenger disaster in 1986.

September 2nd, 1964: Woah.  Keanu Reeves, a man who needs no more introduction, is born in Beirut, Lebanon.

September 2nd, 1992: The U.S. and Russia agree to a joint venture to build a space station.

Image Courtesy of NASA

September 3rd, 1976: The Viking 2 lands on Mars.  From this, we received the first close-up and color photographs of the surface of the planet.

September 4th, 1882: Pearl Street Station, the brainchild of Thomas Edison and the first central power plant in the U.S., opens in Manhattan.

September 5th, 1953: In Raleigh, North Carolina the first privately operated atomic reactor opens.

September 5th, 1977: The Voyager is launched. [Follow the mission at NASA]

September 5th, 1984: The space shuttle Discovery lands after its maiden voyage.

September 6th, 1766: John Dalton, the noted scientist, is born in Eaglesfield, England.  He would later go on to advance many aspects of the scientific world, not least of which included his work on color blindness and atomic theory.

September 6th, 1992: Ten weeks after receiving a baboon liver, the 35-year-old male recipient dies.  It was an attempt to find a more permanent solution to liver failure due to the Hepatitis B virus.

September 6th, 2001: The US Justice Department announces it will not break up Microsoft after allegations of abuse of monopoly like power over Intel.  (Yep.  They let the beast grow! 😉 )

September 7th, 1927: Philo T. Farnsworth (yes, the thing in “Warehouse 13” is named for him) succeeds at transmitting an image via purely electronic means.  It was a simple straight line, but it meant the world to the future of television and broadcasting.

September 8th, 1960: In Huntsville, Alabama the Marshall Space Flight Center is dedicated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  It had been operational since July.

September 8th, 1966: In a much happier day for the geek community, “Star Trek” aired its first episode (“The Man Trap,” in case you didn’t know).

September 8th, 1997: America Online acquired CompuServe.  (If you were keeping track, yes, they were the evil overlords at this point.)

 And, with a twist on the Twist…enjoy these 10 “Star Trek” themed cocktails (special thanks to Rebecca E. over at Buzzfeed).

And, of course, as started last week, it’s time for Annaleigh’s Find of the Week  where I share with you all something geeky and ridiculously awesome.

This week, it’s Blake Northcott…better known as @ComicBookGrrl.

Blake is an author/blogger/rising geek icon.  Her website is fantastic and she’s got a Twitter feed worth joining the site for alone.  You can also check her out on Facebook, Goodreads, and on Amazon.  I feel like I’m pulling a geek girl power thing here (especially after last week’s feature of the Damsels of Dorkington), but I just can’t go without mentioning her awesomeness.  Go check her out and tell her AJ at SciFi4Me sent you!

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