photo by Emily Ibarra (
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Happy Birthday, @FeliciaDay!

A Julliard-accepted violinist with an amazing set of pipes.  An actress with excellent comedic timing.  A writer who produces her own material.  A gamer geek who gives girls someone like them to admire.  Take a quirky, humble, and cute redhead and combine her with all of the aforementioned people and you’ve got yourself one Miss Felicia Day.

Today, we at SciFi4Me would like to wish the writer/producer/actress/violinist/blogger/Tweet-fiend a very happy birthday!

In honor of the occasion, here’s the top 8 reasons Felicia Day makes a marvelous Geek Icon.

Photo by Emily Ibarra (

8. She’s gorgeous.

I don’t think I need to say anything more!

7. She’s multi-talented.

Again…writer/producer/actress/violinist…you get the point.

6. She’s ridiculously intelligent.

She started college at age 16 and graduated Valedictorian…with degrees in math and music!

5. She’s great to her fans.

Have you seen her Photostream?

4. She reads Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels as a hobby.

Seriously.  This is on her own website.

3. She’s got her own quirky sense of fashion.

Striped armsocks?  Check.  Cute details?  Check.  Geek-tastic t-shirts?  Check.  The ability to really dress it up.  Double check.

Felicia Day as Tallis in "Dragon Age: Redemption"

2. She’s been involved in some pretty awesome geek-tastic shows.

She’s been on “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” and Eureka and has also been in “Red: Werewolf Hunter” (a SyFy original movie), The Legend of Neil (a Legend of Zelda spoof comedic webseries), and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (the brain-child web sensation of Joss Whedon).

1. She’s a gamer.

She wrote and produced “The Guild” and “Dragon Age: Redemption”, both of which are based off of RPGs of which she is an avid player.  She has voiced characters in video games including Guild Wars 2 and Fallout: New Vegas.  You can even find pictures of her Dwarf from WoW on her Photostream.

Need more fun ways to celebrate?  Have fun with any of the following links:

The Guild Website

Felicia Day’s Website

Felicia Day’s Twitter Feed

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