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ECHO CHAMBER: Dystopia Myopia


Dystopia. We see it a lot — Divergent  is just the latest example of a story universe that has as its starting point, a disaster of some sort. Usually man-made, these global catastrophes put humanity just out of reach of civilization. Society breaks down and re-forms in ways we’d never begin to imagine outside of science fiction. And the question that starts to percolate after Divergent wasn’t quite the next iteration of The Hunger Games — when is enough enough?


The panel: Maia Ades, Marie Lim, Annaleigh Josephs, Brie Clemens, Heather French, Carolyn Wise, Dan Handley, Jason Hunt



Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

One thought on “ECHO CHAMBER: Dystopia Myopia

  • On your list of real disasters that do not make sense to result in the dystopian futures of sci-fi, I think you have to go up several levels of magnitude, like a massive asteroid or the next ice age etc. The examples cited of modern days disasters I agree are fairly mundane, but there are possible disasters that will drastically alter the economy/life of everyone on earth. In my view it always goes to economic, that is, any disaster that can send the earth into either an ice age or a real global warming where significant portions of the agriculture growing seasons/cycle are effected, resulting in massive famines (like 50% or more of the earth population die within a few years). Disasters of that magnitude would change the economic/political makeup of the entire globe. It isn’t likely to happen in our lifetime, but it is almost certain to happen eventually.
    I agree with the overall main point you are making, it is time for entertainers/media to find some other basis/back story for sci-fi, I will welcome some other angles to the stories. Have a nice day.

    Right on Jason, there was NO “Young Adult” back in our day, there was children books and real books, ie “Adult” books. At least from a “marketing” perspective or my perspective. I read ERB Mars series and Asimov and all of Robert A. Heinlein, some of which is referred to as “juvenile sci-fi” I believe. Maybe the difference is the more centralized control that large corporations have in the book/media industry. Thank goodness for technology and internet for alternate ways for creative people to put out their works.

    Good show


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