SciFi4Me Radio
Welcome to SciFi4Me Radio!
SciFi4Me Radio is our podcast and audio platform, where we bring you general discussions about all sorts of topics — supernatural thrills, comic book angst, what’s hot in movies and TV, hot trends, gossip, literary discussions, and general mayhem and chaos — with a little snark thrown in for good measure.
If you’d like to share our links with your friends and fellow fans, please include #SciFi4MeRadio with the link. Thanks!
Mr. Harvey and Mr. Hunt opine about various topics, ranging from comic book movies and science fiction themes in film and television, all the way to the meaning of life and the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. Along the way, digressions will ensue. Some spoilers may abound. But you’ll enjoy the conversation, worthy of a cup of coffee.
And if you want to chime in and let us know what you think, you can do that, too. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Now syndicated at Amazing Stories magazine.
This is our podcast about Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Marvel’s Agent Carter, along with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We record every Tuesday following a new episode of the show on ABC. Each week, we discuss the show along with Internet reactions to the show and speculations on where the plot will take us through the season.
During the summer, we’re on a monthly schedule, so check back for new episodes. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
SciFi4Chicks is brought to you by the women of FOR women who love science fiction and fantasy and all the associated sub-genres. This is the female perspective on sci-fi, but that doesn’t necessarily mean “girly.” We’ll be talking about all sorts of shows, movies, books, and games etc… basically whatever strikes us as worthy of our sci-fi obsessions! And the episodes can have any or all of the women of the website participating, so we’ll have a lot of views. We do welcome comments and questions, and if one of our lady-listeners wants to join in on a future show, let us know! We’d LOVE to have you! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
The Rogues Gallery is our (semi) regular discussion of the DC Comics filmed media. We concentrate on the television universes, but we also will turn our attention to the upcoming slate of movies — and occasionally we’ll also delve into the publishing side of DC Comics offerings.
The Rogues are friendly. Mostly. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Echo Chamber is our semi-regular gab-fest — read that “group discussion” — wherein the Gang of Meddling Kids gather ’round the table and opine over various topics, both trending in the news and just as the mood strikes us.
We have a rotating cast of characters participating in this one, which means the discussion is always lively and unpredictable. You never know who’s going to show up. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
SciFi X/Y is a half-hour of two best friends on the “back porch” talking about whatever pops up. How’s that for random?
After 25 years, hosts Sonya Rodriguez and Jason Hunt are back together behind microphones, in a new program that looks at the genre from the new fan’s point of view. Sonya’s been a fan of fantasy, but the science fiction side of things is untrod ground, for the most part. So that’s the focus, plus other topics and ideas as the mood strikes.
Note: this story is a partnership between ARN, Neon Tommy, and
On December 5, cinemas across the nation – including several in and around the Los Angeles area – will be screening a production of “RiffTrax Live: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.” RiffTrax is a spiritual successor to the cult favorite “Mystery Science Theater 3000,” otherwise known as MST3K, and involves MST3K alums Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy. In partnership with Fathom Events, this is the 10th such live screening since they started back in 2009.
But what, you may ask, is riffing?
This month: special musical guests — Clearly Guilty! Not only a group of talented musicians, but gamers in their own right. Discussion: virtual tickets, best gimme item from a pre-order, opinions on upcoming video game movie adaptations, and a word about upgrades!
Clearly Guilty’s web site:
Now that Annaleigh Josephs and Brie Clemens are somewhat fully recovered from the trip, they sat down to chat about the experience — cosplay, panels, performances, and con etiquette are all on the table.
Brie and AJ survived Dragon*Con! And we share here what sleep deprivation sounds like:
First impressions, new experiences. What happened the first full day of Dragon*Con? AJ checks in with her reactions to the first full day of the event in Atlanta.
DRAGON*CON — ARRIVAL: AJ and Brie have made it to Atlanta, and they filed this first report from the registration Thursday night. Well… technically it was Friday morning by the time they got there…