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MARVEL Augments Infinity [UPDATED]

AUSTIN, TX – During the Marvel: Digital House of Ideas panel atthe 2012 South by Southwest festival, Marvel Entertainment has just announced the launch of a new creative initiative. Marvel ReEvolution Infinite World will be the digital comics revolution. And by revolution, we mean things that spin around.

Marvel execs at SXSW. (photo: Shara Nickell/SciFi4Me)

Axel Alonso (Marvel Comics Editor in Chief), Jeph Loeb (Head of Marvel Television) and Peter Phillips (SVP & GM, Marvel Digital Media Group) took to the stage at the Palmer Events Center to announce the new venture, which comes on heels of last week’s news that the top-selling Marvel titles will include free digital download codes from now on.

Augmented Reality will be the 3D motion comic venture. (image: Marvel)

Using a tablet as the canvas, readers can use digital interactive tools to heighten their reading experience. With the swipe of a pen tool, comics can turn into motion comics.

Like 3D? There’s that, too. At the panel, the Marvel execs demonstrated Marvel Augmented Reality with a motion comic of Iron Man going from still to motion to 3D, with the hero flying up into the air and back. The 3D is built on the Aurasma technology, which is a smartphone app that layers in virtual images over real-world video.

The new Infinite Comics will debut with Avengers vs. X-Men #1.

Also at the panel, guests were treated to an advanced screening of the new “Ultimate Spider-Man” animated show that debuts on Disney XD April 1. The show features a line-up of heroes recruited to work on a special S.H.I.E.L.D. project, and it will serve as an anchor program for the Marvel Universe block that includes the return of “Avengers – Earth’s Mightiest Heroes”.

[More at Marvel]   [Augmented Reality story]

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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