2016 IndieCade East
Are you an independent game designer? Then you need to be aware of IndieCade East.
Formed in 2005 by Creative Media Collaborative, IndieCade is the International Festival of Independent Games: a series of events dedicated to supporting independent games. Innovation and artistry are key goals of the events, as well as the acknowledgement of a global perspective.
Early bird tickets are now available for IndieCade East, held in New York City April 29 – May 1, with regular tickets going on sale March 12. Full festival passes are $125, with a discounted ticket of $100 for students, seniors, and other groups.
“We’re working hard to make IndieCade East a vibrant, welcoming, and community-focused experience for our speakers, gamemakers, and guests,” state this year’s co-chairs Toni Pizza and Simon Ferrari on the IndieCade website. “Alongside our usual programming, we are stepping up our game to include practical sessions and opportunities for designers creating works in non-commercial spaces.”
There will be a Show & Tell, which gives you two hours for playtesting, promoting, or even just showing. Sign-ups are on a first come basis. Brian Chung and GJ Lee, who run the Sheep’s Meow community, are in charge of curation of what games the festival will have to play. Greg Trefry will be curating Night Games (competitive games), while Josh Melnick will be hosting/curating the eSports Showcase.
Conference co-chairs Jennie Robinson Faber and Henry Faber are working on the talks and workshops, focusing on community support, various tools and technologies available, and how to work within the current industry. “IndieCade brings forward lessons and insights from an incredibly broad range of practitioners – inside and outside games – that allow us to blaze forward in our thinking, change our minds about long-held assumptions, and do better work every day,” states the Fabers on the website.
For more information (and to buy tickets) for IndieCade East, visit their website.
The main festival, held in October in Los Angeles, is currently accepting applications. They are also accepting early submissions for their IndieCade Showcase at this year’s E3 conference. For more information, visit their submissions page.
IndieCade has also uploaded several of their prior talks and interviews to their YouTube channel.
You can see more of Angie’s work (and her social media connections) over at her website.