Fear and death surround the Wolves That Are Teens as Team Zombie has TWO episodes of Teen Wolf this week to sink their teeth into… It’s Zombpocalypse Now!
Season 6, Episode 14 “Face-to-Faceless”
Written by Will Wallace
Directed by Linden Ashby
Season 6, Episode 15 “Pressure Test”
Written by Jennifer Quintenz
Directed by Tim Andrew

Dustin: Alll byyy myyyysellllffff…
Timothy: I am right here.
Dustin: Don’t wanna be...
Timothy: Look, just because we had another week without Mindy…
Dustin: Alll byyyyyy myyyyysseeeelllffff…
Timothy: And Curtis was gone this week as well…
Dustin: Sing it with me!
Timothy: Um, no.
Dustin: Aaaaaaaanyyymorrrrre.
Timothy: I think you’re being just a touch dramatic here.
Dustin: Well, there’s a shortage of songs that say: “We normally have three if not four people on the couch to discuss the shows we watch, but this week it was just the two of us, and consequently we were the only ones to enjoy the frankly excellent spaghetti I made.”
Timothy: It is a criminally underrepresented musical genre, yes. Hi folks! It is just Dustin and me this week, but we make up for it by having two new episodes of Teen Wolf to discuss, and lots of all the things happened!
Dustin: We’re just five episodes away from the finale of the series after this, and at this rate they’re going to end the show with the town burned to the ground. We’ve got Fear Monsters, Hunters, Crazed Townspeople, Psycho Guidance Counselors, and more. More I tell you!
Timothy: And looooove is in the air.
Dustin: Gah. Barf. Do not get me started.
Timothy: You can hear all about why Dustin is not on board the love-train, and our other thoughts about the Wolves That Are Teens by clicking that link there, and we’ll be back next week with more Zombpocalypse Now!
[audioplayer file=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/zombpocalypse-now-a79ac0f68/ZOMBPOCALYPSE-NOW-Fear-Maketh-The-Monsters-On-TEEN-WOLF-65cd” titles=”ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: Fear Maketh The Monsters On TEEN WOLF” artists=”SciFi4Me Radio” track=”FD8604″ text=”000000″]
The final season of Teen Wolf airs Sunday nights at 8/7c on MTV.