Beauty and the Beast -- "Sins of the Fathers" -- Image Number: BB312a_0293.jpg -- Pictured: Kristin Kreuk as Catherine -- Photo: Christos Kalohoridis/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
OpinionReviewsTelevision & Film

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Mind for Business and a Bod for Sin


Episode 312: “Sins of the Father”


[photos: Ben Mark Holzberg/CW]

I hated on last week’s episode of Beauty & the Beast a touch. It felt like it dragged out without much happening. However, I’m happy to report that this week’s episode had a good deal more action, better plot and stronger pacing. It looks like next week’s episode is set up to be a strong ending to the season. But more on that, of course, next week. For now, let’s turn our focus to the good, the bad, and the ugly from this week.


The Good:

  • Vincent: “Why don’t we do what Reynolds did to me?” Genius. Established efficaciousness, and a simple re-do. Good thinking, V!
  • Heather: “You guys are so cute.” First sensible thing Heather has said in several episodes.
  • I really, really loved that Tess was trying to help J.T. complete his bucket list, even if J.T. ultimately decided not to go that path. Really sweet.
  • Neither Tess nor Cat take any crap off the IA detective looking into Cat’s record for the last three years. Love it when some jerk tries to push my girls around, only for said jerk to find out he had perhaps brought a knife to a gun fight.
  • Liam’s plan to kill off the whole Ellingsworth clan in one fell swoop was actually pretty smart. What I don’t understand is why it took him decades to pull it off. It’s not like churches have a lot of security. So let’s call this one a mixed bag.
  • What’s a girl to do when her dad’s in federal prison, but she needs him to brainwash a naughty beast? C’est simple, mes amis! Just get your honey to bust him out of jail and forego the door upon final entry. Only dorks use a door anyway. So yes, I’m mocking, but I really did find it très amusant.
  • I’m such a sucker for Cat Chandler/Kristin Kreuk expressions.  Her pouty lower lip when Heather told her to burn the will was adorable. Her big eyes all filled with tears when Reynolds expressed his desire to make amends was touching. And finally, her grief when Reynolds was mauled to death…just wow. All awesome.
  • While I’m on that topic, Reynolds’ mauled body was pretty impressive. It looked grim and credible. Not that I’m a dead body expert…
  • I feel sure there’s a Smallville reference in there when Cat uses the gem to kryptonite Liam. Not that I’m an expert on Smallville
  • I’m pretty proud of Cat and Vincent that they realized that the small bomb was simply the lure, and that a larger bomb was waiting. On the downside, all it took to defuse the bomb was to pull all the wires out? Not that I’m a bomb expert…
  • Heather’s shirt during the Liam reconditioning scene. So cute!
  • J.T.’s better, yay! But when he alludes to developing some sort of weird superhuman side effect, can we hope for foreshadowing? PLEASE give us something on this story line in the season finale!

The Bad/Ugly:

  • The dream sequence at the beginning of the episode, wherein Cat dreams about Liam attacking her. I understand that the purpose of the dream is to speak to Cat’s state of mind with regard to Vincent’s possible near immortality. But this isn’t a show that’s relied on dream sequences ever to communicate state of mind. That’s normally done through conversation between the characters, so this whole dream thing seemed out of place. Don’t get me wrong, I’m okay with trying new things. I just felt this didn’t real match the overall tone of the show, and the short conversation between Cat and Heather about Cat’s really stupid book on older women and younger men communicated the idea plenty. And while I’m on the subject, Heather just busted into Cat’s bedroom with a coffee. Has Heather not yet figured out that Cat has a man living there with her, and what she might stumble into? I’m starting to think Heather actually has some voyeur issues.
  • Cat: “We have to let go of everything that matters to us.” Uh, that doesn’t bode well. Anyone else think that doesn’t bode well, or is it just me?
  • Heather wore overalls. No further explanation needed.
  • When Liam converted from hatred towards the Ellingsworths to hatred to Cat/Vincent…I dunno. It didn’t work for me. It just seemed too contrived and convenient.
  • What the heck? Is the famous rooftop undergoing repairs? Why the heck are Cat and Vincent meeting for a glass of wine in a bar? They never do that. Oh, it’s so Liam can give them dirty looks from across the street. Out of character, guys.

Okay, I think we’ve established a couple of things. The first being that I’m really not an expert on much of anything useful. The second is that 312 was a fairly strong episode, and this week’s season final, episode 313 “Destined” could well be really awesome, especially since the writers already knew they were getting a fourth season and wouldn’t have had to equivocate. See you guys on Thursday! (Oh, and leave comments, if you’re so inclined!)

[Official Site for the Show] [Previous article on Beauty and the Beast]


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