Conventions & Events

The Geekly with a Twist: January 18th-24th

Happy Friday, everyone! About time, isn’t it? So, in order to get on with your three day weekend (or just your weekend for those of you without Monday off), onward with the history!

January 18th, 2012: Much of the internet goes under “blackout” in protest of SOPA/PIPA… two “anti-piracy” measures meant to curb copyright infringement. (We blacked out, can you believe it’s been a year, though?)

January 19th, 1983: Apple releases Lisa, a giant step forward in the personal computer industry. Lisa is the first computer marketed to individual business owners with a graphical user interface.

January 19th, 2006: NASA launches New Horizons, a spacecraft currently on its way to Pluto.

January 20th, 1959: The most noted real-world man in Forgotten Realms lore, author R.A. Salvatore is born in Leominster, Massachusetts.

January 20th, 1960: Will Wright, the man responsible for this lush’s addiction of nearly 13 years (The Sims), is born in Atlanta, Georgia. (Did you know? He also created Spore… which has the same kryptonite-like effect on a family member of mine.)


January 23rd, 1943: Buck Rogers himself, Gil Gerard is born in Little Rock, Arkansas. (You should check out the Buck Rogers panel from Planet Comicon last year over on our YouTube channel!)

January 24th, 1984: The original Mac is released.

So, obviously this isn’t all for the weeks, so be sure to check out:

And, of course, we’ve got to Twist well this week. How about, in honor of the anniversary of the protest, a Blackout? (The cocktail comes from the Absolut website and is a pretty good standby in my house.)

  • 2 parts gin
  • 1 part cherry liqueur (…bonus points for homemade)
  • 2 dashes lemon juice

Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and enjoy!

To Garnish your week, how about a plug and an announcement?

First things first, Rina’s back!


Comic Con Carne will release the “Prime” edition on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month while Rina’s new solo gig, CCC: Silver Screen Edition, will air on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

AAaaaaaannnnnnddddd… we’re on Pinterest! Be sure to check us out and follow our boards for all of your shiny social needs. I might even make cookies.

So, until next week, geek on!

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