
Television & Film

HOLONET Weekly: Pumping Iron, Secret Characters, Comics, And More!

This week we watch Lando pumping iron, speculate on Richard E. Grant and Matt Smith’s characters while reading new comics and anxiously waiting for a trailer!

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Television & Film

STAR WARS Holonet Weekly: Bounty Hunters, Chefs, Reveals, and Sad Anniversaries

A new addition confirmed for The Mandalorian while someone is cooking up rumors on the set of Episode IX. Also, heartwarming tributes to our lost princess in this Holonet Weekly.

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Television & Film

STAR WARS Holonet Weekly: Mandalorian Music, IX Timeline, and Anakin’s Father?

The Mandalorian has music and an ugnaught, Mr. Filoni thinks in pictures, Thrawn’s got a personal battle ahead, and we finally know who Anakin’s father was.

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