Television & Film



Paramount Pictures has released this teaser for the next Ghost in the Shell trailer, due to go live on November 13:

“Based on the internationally-acclaimed sci-fi property, Ghost in the Shell follows the Major, a special ops, one-of-a-kind human-cyborg hybrid, who leads the elite task force Section 9. Devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, Section 9 is faced with an enemy whose singular goal is to wipe out Hanka Robotic’s advancements in cyber technology.”

Noteworthy is the fact that Scarlett Johansson’s character is now “The Major” instead of Major Motoko Kusanagi.

The trailer release comes as part of an event that will take place in Tokyo on the 13th, with Johansson making an appearance, her first time in Japan in fourteen years. Director Rupert Sanders is also scheduled to appear at the event.

There are reports that seem to indicate that the film will not be an origin story, but rather will take its cues from Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (probably). Michael Pitt will play Kuze, and although there are no plot details available, it’s likely his character is at least based on Hideo Kuze, the antagonist from SAC.

“We’re not doing ‘Puppetmaster.’ It’s not ‘Laughing Man,'” said producer Avi Arad. “It involves Kuze, the Kuze story.”

“The villains in the story are people that are abusing this brave new world,” Arad told IGN. “The movie certainly addresses this whole idea of in the future, if you think about everybody’s biggest fear around technology is about getting your identity stolen … as apposed someone hacking your brain could happen here. The more technology gets inside of you and the more it’s woven into your life the more that people can abuse it. So there are characters, both at a criminal level and a governmental level, who are abusing technology and doing scary things.”

Ghost in the Shell arrives in theaters March 31, 2017.



Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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