SciFi4Chicks Learns Facts of Life on GOTHAM
The Major! Multi-Episode! Story! Arc! comes to an end in this episode of Gotham and we are… not as enthusiastic as the writers would want us. Once again, the show doesn’t exactly live up to the potential, and that means this installment of SciFi4Chicks is mostly about being disappointed. We do gush about Bruce and his storyline (where everybody grows up to be someone impressive), and hope against all hope that Penguin will manage to earn his THE back…
As for everything else… we would probably rant in frustration, but it seems we have reached the point where saying “we rant because we care” no longer holds true.
The panel: Heather French, Alex Callahan.
Do you agree with us? Do you want to argue? Feel free to join the discussion in the comments or on social media of your choice (hint: Twitter)! Next week, it’s Gotham’s season finale, and we will be there to talk about it.