PodcastTelevision & Film

It’s a Cat Scratch Fever in GOTHAM (and a SciFi4Chick podcast)


You cannot expect us to talk about Gotham’s episode titled “Selina Kyle” without even once referencing Michelle Pfeiffer’s brilliant portrayal of the character.

If you haven’t seen the episode yet, I suggest you check out Jason’s recap before listening to Heather and Alex gush about it. The podcast will make much more sense that way.

What’s in store for you this time? Well, it’s a real Fishfest in this installment of SciFi4Chicks and the #CultOfMontoya is strong (next week, it will probably be off the charts). Oswald is an adorable (if somewhat deranged) little puppy providing us with genius levels of comic relief. Ed is still creepy, Montoya and her partner are still The Only Honest Cops in Gotham (TM) and Don Falcone proves why he rules the city (Like A Boss). Everything Alfred says is a hilarious reference and while Bruce still has a way to go before he grows up to be Christian Bale, we see why he would choose to dress up in black and beat up people.


It’s all Cabana Boys, side notes and hopes for one, cross-network, DC TV universe in this episode of SciFi4Chicks. Check it out!



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