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We didn’t just livestream from Planet Comicon, we also recorded this week’s Zombpocalypse Now in front of a LIVE audience! Listen!

Dustin: Well, we, as usual, said we were going to talk about one thing last week, and here we are, talking about something else.

Timothy: We did, and we are. We said we were going to talk about the last three episodes of Santa Clarita Diet, but instead…

Dustin: We recorded an episode in front of a live audience at Planet Comicon!

Timothy: … just like the last few years. Like the last, what, three years?

Dustin: I am trying to make this sound exciting. You are not helping.

Timothy: It was fun.

Dustin: It was. It was also kind of a greatest hits episode, where we talk about The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and Santa Clarita Diet, and take questions from the audience. Who were awesome.

Timothy: It’s always a great time talking to other fans of these shows we love to hate to love. To hate. To love.

Dustin: It is complicated. But this show isn’t. And you can actually hear the audience! Sort of. Mostly.

Timothy: And every time you tapped on the table. All the times you tapped on the table.

Dustin: I… do that, yes. It’s a thing I do. That table was loud. It’s not my fault.

Timothy: And you can hear it all its glory. We had a good time out there, and we hope you have a good time listening to it.

Mindy: Oh! Hey! Hi! And rate and comment on our podcast and all our other podcasts on iTunes and! 

Dustin: Where the hell have you been? 

Mindy: Working the floor, getting interviews and SO MUCH MORE! Check out all our great Planet Comicon Coverage! Here at SciFi4Me!

[audioplayer file=”″ titles=”ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: Live From PLANET COMICON! (Well, Sort Of)” artists=”SciFi4Me Radio” track=”FD8604″ text=”000000″]


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