Conventions & Events

The Geekly with a Twist: June 29th-July 5th

So, guess what everyone? Next week marks the one year anniversary of The Geekly! (July 8th was the date of the first one published.) I don’t have anything specific planned yet…but I have a feeling I’ll be coming up with something. Can you smell the giveaway yet? Okay, so, suggestions on what would be awesome for celebration would be cool but, regardless, it’s time to get on with it… onward with the history!

June 29th, 1995: The shuttle Atlantis docks for the first time with Mir, the Russian space station. 

June 29th, 2007: The Apple iPhone goes on sale. 

June 30th, 1971: Soyuz 11 leaves the Salyut 1 space station and re-enters atmosphere. The three crew members are the first confirmed deaths in space when it is learned that their cabin depressurized on preparation for reentry.

July 1st, 1646: Gottfried Leibniz, one of the two men responsible (independently) for calculus, is born in what is modern-day Germany.

July 1st, 1952: Who ya gonna call? Well, Dan Aykroyd in this case. On this day, he is born in Ottawa (the capital of Canada, for those less geographically inclined).

July 1st, 1977: The beautiful daughter of a rocker and a model (and the woman who would go on to win hearts as an Elvish princess), Liv Tyler is born in New York City.

July 1st, 1979: The Sony Walkman, the first portable cassette player of its kind, is released in stores.

July 2nd, 1948: A man who brings to mind oatmeal scotchies, Saul Rubinek (that is, Artie of Warehouse 13, among other things) is born the Föhrenwald Displaced Persons camp in Allied-occupied Germany. His parents would move to Canada shortly after his birth.

July 3rd, 1880: “Science” begins publication with principle funding from Thomas Edison. The journal is still in publication today.

July 4th, 1997: The unmanned Mars Pathfinder lands on the red planet and deploys the Sojourner rover.

July 4th, 2005: NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft films as a probe smashes into the Tempel 1 comet (the intent of the mission was to learn more about comets).

Okay, so, since it’s a patriotic week for us here in the USA, how about something a little patriotic as well? And what’s more patriotic than that red, white, and blue wearing Avenger… Captain America(in shot form)?

  • 1 part Chambord or Grenadine
  • 1 part half and half
  • 1 part Blue curacao (or I actually prefer blue raspberry vodka instead)

Fill your shot glass 1/3 of the way with the red liquid. Pour the half and half slowly over the back of a spoon to layer the white on top of the red. Using a clean spoon, repeat the process with the blue. You can also float a bit of Goldschlager on top and light the bad boy on fire, or you can just enjoy it straight. Just make sure you blow out the flames before you try to drink it.

And, of course, even though shots don’t require garnishes, your Geekly needs its Garnish. What better way to end this week than to go out with a bang?

[vimeo w=500&h=281]

So, until next week, spread the word, don’t blow off your mouse hand, and geek on!

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