Marvel's Luke Cage
PodcastTelevision & Film

LUKE CAGE Is a Sweet Christmas Present — LEVEL ELEVENTY-SEVEN Ep. 94


Season One

This episode: Marvel’s Luke Cage, which hit Netflix on September 30 and came in at the number five spot for most-watched debut weekends for the on-demand network.

Our discussion has spoilers, but it’s broad in scope and wanders out into the connections the show has to the general Marvel Cinematic Universe at large, because this show more than any other has done a good job organically connecting to all of it — the other Netflix shows as well as the movies. And could there be a cross-over with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future? Don’t rule it out.

We talk character, plot, Easter eggs, and more in this broad-brush look at the first season of Marvel’s Luke Cage.

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The panel: Mindy Inlow, Kathryn Sanders, Maia Ades, Dan Handley, Timothy Harvey, Jason Hunt





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