BooksConventions & EventsInterviewsPodcast

LIVE FROM THE BUNKER: An Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold


[Photo courtesy Ann Laabs]

The annual trip/vacation to CONvergence this year held a special opportunity for me. Sure, I would see friends, participate on panels, and buy cool stuff (as one does at these sorts of things), but I had also joined up with the gang here at SciFi4Me. It was time to prove my worth. So I thought, why not conduct an interview? With ACTUAL FAMOUS PEOPLE!?!

Skimming over the Guests of Honor on the CONvergence website, I discovered a VERY familiar name: Lois McMaster Bujold, multiple Hugo and Nebula Award winning author of, among other things, the Miles Vorkosigan titles from Baen Books. I’d certainly read a huge chunk of her work, but it had been a good long time ago. Maybe twenty years. Or more! Would I remember enough about them to not make myself look foolish in front of the world-renowned author?

Probably not.

But I forged ahead anyway. When you reach for the sky, try to make it into orbit so you don’t end up falling right back down to Earth and injuring, or worse killing, yourself. Neil Armstrong always said that.

I think.


Anyway, it worked for him.

The time arrived to rendezvous with Ms. Bujold. I was escorted, along with my trusty photographer Ann Laabs, by Jody Wurl, guest-wrangler extraordinaire. Ms. Bujold’s room was on the seventh floor of the North Tower of the Bloomington Doubletree. I explained to the author how, outside of job searching, this was my first interview with an Actual Famous Person. Ever! She was charming and put me at ease enough to ask what I hoped were interesting questions. She simply took those questions and ran with them.

After all, that’s what Neil Armstrong did.

No, really!


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