Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Image Comics: COFFIN BOUND to Release in August

Image Comics has announced a new title to release on August 7th: Coffin Bound. It has an all-star cast attached to it, too: writer Dan Watters (Sandman Universe: Lucifer), artist Dani (2000AD, Girl With No Name), and colorist Brad Simpson (Vengeance, the comic adaptation of Bloodborne, The Witcher). Letters will be handled by Aditya Bidikar, with designs by Emma Price.

“This is a book all about the inevitability of death, and the choice each of us faces between coming to terms with it, or trying to deny it,” said Watters. “This is a book drawn beautifully by Dani, with Brad Simpsons’ filthy bright colors. This is a book about cars, guns, and sex—and how each of those things does little to stave off the bottomless void waiting just beyond the veil of our known existence. What was the question again?”

The story will follow the story of Izzy Tyburn, a woman who’s re-treading her life, as she’s on the run from a serial killer. She’ll murder anyone who gets in the way of this quest. The book is described to be a mix of Bitch Planet and Mad Max: Fury Road, with a dark fantasy world that’s similar to Sandman.

Early reviews from industry insiders positive. “It’s a gleeful of literary grindhouse comic that brings to mind Milligan’s Arthouse Pulp and notes of Pretty Deadly. Out in August. Pre-order now”, says Kieron Gillen of Young Avengers fame. John Harris Dunning, creator of Tumult, called it “A gore-splattered—but poetic—road trip with one of the strangest stripper scenes in comics.”

Warren Ellis, creator of TransmetropolitanRedGlobal Frequency, and more: “Dani is quite a discovery: the work is very inventive and actually very careful but the line is alive and organic—the ink just spills down and branches into the right places. And the language style Watters launches here is just wonderful—I summon Milch because it’s eccentric and neo-antique like his Deadwood speech, rippling with character and drunken with its own pleasure… Coffin Bound is a damned joy.”

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