Television & Film

HOLONET Weekly: Pumping Iron, Secret Characters, Comics, And More!

Hello Crumbers! If you haven’t seen Mackenna’s Good Morning Multiverse weekly update, check it out below (and don’t forget to hop in your ships and jump into hyperspace over to YouTube to subscribe)!

(pause…. waits……takes a drink of blue milk……)

Now that you’re back, let’s take a look at what else is going on in the Galaxy this week.

Since Star Wars fans aren’t going to get any good leaks from the set of the movie, thanks to all the security on set, according to Richard E. Grant, we have to rely on what’s provided to us from the stars in their social media leaks. Not only did John Boyega give us a teaser this last week, but so did Billy Dee Williams. Now, his picture wasn’t as graphic as Boyega’s bloody hands, but if you think seeing an 81-year-old person lifting weights is scary, then maybe you should just look away. He states that the “Force is still strong with this one” so maybe we should be prepared to see Lando (and his cape) kick a little Wookiee behind?

And speaking more on Grant, while he did talk about the security on set, what he didn’t talk about was his character. Now, it’s obvious that he’s going a bit crazy inside wanting to divulge all his secrets about who he plays, but can’t. However, he did say we would have to wait till the film’s trailer to learn who his character is….in April. Whaaaaaa? Is this a non-solid confirmation of a trailer release, maybe during Celebration? The new rumor about the teasers is that Disney may drop three during the Super Bowl next week, which would be kinda insane. Now Grant’s loose lip statement is nothing we haven’t already speculated but still we’ll take it.

Another character that has been rumored to show up in Episode IX is a young Palpatine, possibly played by Matt Smith. Well, now the new rumor is that he will not play The Emperor but one of the Knights of Ren. We saw them in The Force Awakens, but then nothing was mentioned of them in The Last Jedi. It seems more rumors are pointing to their appearance in Episode IX, this rumor coming out of Pinewood Studios in a now deleted post on Reddit. Again, guess it’s a MATTer of waiting for that trailer release…. (yeah, you saw what we did there).

Finally, for this week a little in the comics news. Marvel Comics will be releasing a new Star Wars miniseries dedicated to the elite TIE Fighter Pilots known as the Shadow Wing. Past stories that have been done have usually been from the POV from high members of the Empire, like Vader, Thrawn, and Tarkin. This time the five-part series follows the fighter pilots whose job is to destroy the Rebel Alliance. This may give us a chance to understand what brings them to the Empire. Did they believe in what they fought for? Did they do it for the cause…. or to save their own skin? The comic will tie into the upcoming novel Alphabet Squadron, which will be released this summer and will follow the Rebellion heroes as they fight the Empire. TIE Fighter will be written by Jody Houser, art by Roge Antonio, and cover art by Giuseppe Camucncoli and Elia Bonetti.

That’s it for this week’s Holonet Weekly. Look for more Mackenna next week on Good Morning Multiverse and the return of Salacious Crumbs very soon!

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