Television & Film

So Call Us Maybe?

Greetings, everyone! So how’s 2014 treating you so far?

For us, it’s been a pretty full couple of weeks. Level Eleventy-Seven and Week in Review are back, along with our recaps of several shows — Grimm, Dracula, and more on the way as shows kick off the back half of the season — Arrow, Once Upon a Time, Orphan Black, The Walking Dead, Beauty and the Beast, Being Human… should we recap Helix?

Speaking of Once, a little programming note: when the show returns in March, recap duties will be handled by Mr. Handley, who usually live-tweets during the show — and will be doing so still, using the main @SciFi4Me handle. So be sure you’re ready and start following us over there, if you’re not already. In the meantime, I’ll be shifting over from Once recaps to take on Orphan Black.

We’ll also be making more use of the new 3-Minute Recap to get more content to you through SciFi4Me TV — our YouTube channel, for those who aren’t subscribed yet (and why aren’t you?).

Coming in February, we’ll have a re-tooled version of The Grid, with a new format that will hopefully deliver more information more immediately. The video game industry is constantly turning out announcements, news, new downloads, and the like. We want to stay on top of it so you know the latest as soon as it happens.

And now, to the biggest thing; well, at least it has a graphic:


We now have a way you can get in touch a little more directly! The SciFi4Me Hotline will be a way for you to offer comments, ask questions, make suggestions, throw out your theories on what’s happening on a particular show… and we might use it on the air! (So be on your best behavior.)

We’re also rolling out individual e-mail addresses for each of our shows, so if you have a theory about Agent Coulson’s return, you can send the Level Eleventy-Seven team a note directly. Or if you have a news tip, you can send it to Week in Review. And the etc. So be sure to get in touch!

And that’s just the stuff we’ve got going in January… <insert evil laugh><insert mustache twisting>.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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