
SciFi4Me Radio is Moving! New Home for our Podcasts


Greetings, everyone! Hope you all have had a great holiday season.


This is a quick programming note to let you all know that our podcasts — what we collectively refer to as SciFi4Me Radio — are moving to a new home. Up until recently, the audio files have been saved to the same internet hosting server that houses our web site, and the RSS links that feed into various players like iTunes and Stitcher have been linked to those files here on SciFi4Me.

However, it’s not the best solution when it comes to measuring performance.

If you’re at all familiar with podcasts, then you know there’s a big challenge when it comes to knowing just how many people are listening. Statistics are hard to come by, especially since iTunes doesn’t release any data on any podcasts because 1) they’re free, and 2) as a result, they fall under user privacy rules. So it makes it a bit difficult to know just how many people are tuned into any particular show. The other part of that is the less-than-reliable nature of Feedburner statistics, which are abysmal when it comes to accuracy and clarity.

Moving forward, we’ll be hosting our shows at Podcasts.com, and you’ll be able to find new episodes there in 2016. Past episodes will still be available here on SciFi4Me, and we’ll embed the audio files in individual posts, same as we’ve always done.

Our goal is to get a more accurate read on how many people listen to our shows, mainly to see if it’s worth continuing on any one of them, but also to get a better handle on which topics do better than others, how far we need to go before we have an audience big enough to attract advertisers, figuring out if you like one show more than another, and if we need to do more of one type and not the other, etc. etc.

Now, if you’re already subscribed to a feed through iTunes, Stitcher, or some other podcast player, there might be an interruption of services while we switch the feed URL links. So to help you out, we’ll include links to the feeds on our home page and on our social media while we make the transition. Which will give you a direct path to the shows, and also help you when you want to copy and share the link with your friends.

On another note: we’ve had the request to offer transcripts of our podcasts, and we’re looking into ways we can do that in a timely manner. We certainly don’t want anyone to feel left out of our conversations. So please bear with us while we try to crack that nut.

In the meantime, have a safe New Year, even if you aim to misbehave a little.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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