SciFi4Chicks: Saying Goodbye to BEING HUMAN
We just didn’t want to let it end, but end it did!
Dorin and Heather do a duo-cast to talk about the final episodes of Being Human, including their thoughts on how it ended… well, how both the British and American Being Human series ended… well, how each of the trio/ quartets ended.
Take a final stroll down memory lane as we bid a fond farewell to Aidan, Sally, Josh, and Nora… and Mitchell, George, Annie, and Nina… and Hal, Tom, and Alex.
thank god it ended good riddance! They should have not followed the UK version so closely and if they didnt them maybe it could have survived
They didn’t follow the UK version after the first 2 episodes set up the premise. The US version had no vampire take over of the world, no war child, no police hunt for a mass murdering vampire, no off screen death of a main character, no final battle with the devil, And had the main characters make it all seasons…so I’m not sure what you mean. And technically the UK version lasted only one more season but had 15 less episodes. US also did a full run each season while the UK final season was cut short. To each his own, but I just don’t see your point.
yeah they did wolf couple Vampire dies Ghost dies Vampire boy werewolf girl ghost boy time travel Cheator of the pack. It started the same even though it did end differently a little bit. Like I said they never found there footing.
Similar elements not handled in similar ways. Again, to each his own, as I loved both versions. Thanks for listening to our podcast either way!
then why have the wolf aspect vampire dies ghost dies? that wasnt in the UK version?