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RUMOR: Spider-Man Snares Drew Goddard; Arad Out



Latino Review has a rumor packet connected with the future of Spider-Man within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At this point, everything remains unconfirmed and should be treated as such.

According to the report, Drew Goddard will write and direct Spectacular Spider-Man, the next solo film to feature the web-slinger. Goddard had been chosen by Sony to helm the Sinister Six production, and it appears that group of villains will figure into this new story line, which will not be an origin story.

Other bits and pieces in the rumor packet:

  • A new actor will play Spider-Man, and will be in high school. Still no indication as to whether this will be Peter Parker or Miles Morales.
  • Spider-Man will “audition” for the Avengers, and part of that test includes a fight with Iron Man. Does this mean Robert Downey, Jr. and Marvel go back to the negotiating table?

Sony will be phasing out all earlier planned projects, wiping the slate clean for Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal to develop brand new material. Avi Arad is out as a producer following the insistence from Disney chief Ike Perlmutter that Feige come aboard the project. Arad will get an executive producer credit, but he’s officially out, leaving him to focus on Ghost in the Shell.

Again, this is all rumor at this point, but we’re keeping an eye on it.


Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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