PodcastTelevision & Film

ROGUES GALLERY #36: Penguin’s in the Pink, Supergirl’s Flying High, and the Flash is Selfish


All the shows are back!

It’s a bromance of another color on Gotham, as Nygma gets a new suit from his bestest best fried Oswald, who’s looking really really healthy these days… Meanwhile, Butch isn’t feeling the love.

And more selfish angst from The Flash, as Barry maybe — maybe — has finally learned from his mistakes, and the mistakes of others (Hi, Jay!) when it comes to the consequences of time travel. The changes to Arrow, while so far small, also give us a tie back to Legends of Tomorrow when the team went to 2046.

But the most important item of note this episode: the return of Supergirl and the introduction of CW’s Superman!

Plus: the question about Saturn Girl’s appearance has been answered. Fearless Leader was wrong.

[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-rogues-gallery-1e4979dfe/ROGUES-GALLERY-36-Penguins-in-the-Pink-Supergirls-Flying-High-and-the-Flash-is-Selfish-b922″]

The panel: Kathryn Sanders, Ann Laabs, Dave Margosian, Thomas Townley, Jason Hunt




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