Television & Film

NEW MUTANTS: Rosario Dawson Out, Alice Braga In

The Hollywood Reporter has posted the news that Alice Braga (USA’s Queen of the South, I Am LegendPredators) will replace Rosario Dawson as Dr. Cecilia Reyes in Fox’s New Mutants.

The spinoff will live in Fox’s X-Men universe, with a script by Josh Boone and Knate Lee. The story follows five teenagers learning to cope with their powers while at the same time trying to escape a secret facility where they’re being held. Fox is said to be interested in a horror-thriller spin on this particular entry in the franchise.

Dr. Reyes has the ability to generate a protective “bio-field” around herself. Dawson was announced a short while ago, with many noting the fact that she already plays a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Claire Temple, the Night Nurse.

Granted, the Netflix shows and the Fox projects are separate universes, but one wonders if a reason for the change could be the possible confusion that might result from Dawson simultaneously playing two different Marvel characters. (Josh Brolin may face the same situation, although Thanos is heavily CG.)

No official reason has been given for Dawson’s departure, but when deals fall apart it’s usually a schedule conflict or a question about money. Perhaps it means Claire Temple is getting more screen time on the Defenders Pack on Netflix, or maybe even getting her own Night Nurse series?

New Mutants will release April 13, 2018. Shooting begins in Boston in July.

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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