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Live Action Teen Titans to TNT?


DC Comics Chief Creative Officer had this to share on Twitter:

The link leads to an article in The Wall Street Journal in which we learn the Teen Titans may be coming to TNT in a live action show.

Titans, based on the group that’s been around since 1964, would closely resemble the New Titans iteration of the group from the 1980s and starred Nightwing, Cyborg, Starfire, and Raven as the core group. Akiva Goldsman (A Beautiful Mind, The DaVinci Code, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin) will write the pilot, along with Marc Haimes. Goldsman was previously attached to a feature film version of the Teen Titans, but the project stalled.

And unlike Cartoon Network’s Teen Titans Go! — which is clearly aimed at a younger audience — this new show would be more dramatic.

Since Johns has already confirmed the movie and television universes are separate, this means there will now be two Cyborgs in addition to two Flashes, two Nightwings (if rumors of his inclusion in Dawn of Justice are accurate), two Green Arrows…

DC Comics and TNT are both owned by Time-Warner, making it a logical fit. And if our theory of the TV multiverse holds true, could this be another Earth that’s different from the Earths we see in Gotham, Constantine, and the CW shows? Arrow and The Flash, so far, are the only shows in the same universe. iZombie will likely not cross over.

What do you think? Are you ready for a live action Teen Titans?

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Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

One thought on “Live Action Teen Titans to TNT?

  • PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE dont fuck it up! have the characters young beast boy Cyborg Robin Raven Starfire Wondergirl Flash! Terra Deathstroke NOT SLADE! Wintergreen Wallace Adeline Joseph Rose I look forward to this with trepidation! extreme


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