BooksComic Books & Graphic Novels

IDW Limited Serves Up Braiiiiins!

First, it was the Turtles. Now, zombies.

The new imprint has been set up to offer collectible limited editions of comics and graphic novels, and now is venturing into prose novels with the second offering. Following the launch with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol. 1: Change Is Constant, the company is releasing two Zombies vs. Robots titles from a group of twelve sci-fi, horror and fantasy writers. Contributor John Shirley, noted horror author, said, “Zombies Vs Robots is a nightmarish dystopian world and one where I’m strangely comfortable, I can hardly wait for it to come true. Meanwhile I have to help create it.”

Shirley has teamed up with illustrator Dan Bradford for Zombies vs. Robots: Z-BOYS IN THE ROBOT GRAVEYARD, containing two stories with overlapping characters. The central theme of the two stories: fear. Shirley says he wanted to bring a fresh take on the zombie story, and is leaving it up to the audience to decide on which is the real monsters of the story. He and Bradford have signed each of the 500 copies.

IDW Limited is also releasing the first of the prose novels, Zombies vs. Robots: THIS MEANS WAR! in a new hardcover edition that includes a new cover and the signatures of all eleven contributing writers.

“It’s extremely gratifying to me–and still pretty amazing–that the Zombies vs Robots world that Ash Wood and I created has become a thing that other people have taken and run with,” said Chris Ryall, IDW’s Chief Creative Officer/Editor-in-Chief. “And we’re talking about talented people and legitimately great writers like John Shirley, Nancy A. Collins, and the others. Thanks to them and their editor-bot Jeff Conner, they’ve taken the ZvR franchise into some exciting new directions.”


Zombies Vs. Robots: Z-BOYS IN THE ROBOT GRAVEYARD DELUXE LIMITED EDITION ($39.99; 108 pages; 8” x 10”; hardcover).
Zombies Vs. Robots: THIS MEANS WAR! DELUXE LIMITED EDITION ($60; 300 pages; 8” x 10”; hardcover).

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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