Hollywood is full of cowards.
For years, I’ve been of the opinion that the studio system has been in the wrong hands – the marketing hacks and the accountants. All they care about is the bottom line and the best way to get people in the seats. And going back and doing so many remakes gives a clear indication of the age of this group. It’s clear that these (insert pejorative here) grew up watching these shows, and are trying to re-capture their youth by telling the stories they loved as kids.
The problem: they’re making them with adolescent pre-teen humor that only serves to line the toilet in the men’s room at the roadside park.
I think Hollywood suits are not only nostalgic, but also scared. They fear taking a risk. They fear trying to figure out the social media generation. They fear not making the right movie based on focus groups and test screenings…
I want to see a movie – especially a science fiction movie – that shows us something new. Give us something to think about, something to talk about. Tell us a story that resonates. I don’t care who the stars are. Stars don’t make the story. Story makes the stars, if it’s good enough.
The Story should be the star. And these panty-waists in LA need to get off their thumbs and get some original stories in the pipeline. Great stories shouldn’t have to come from just the indie filmmakers. Great stories are all around.
We just need people with courage and passion enough to tell them.