OpinionPodcastTelevision & Film

H2O #110: In Which We Discuss Prince, ScarJo, the New Companion, and More AXANAR Victims



With apologies for the delay, this week we look at a number of items in the news, things blowing up the Internet, things that matter, and things that don’t.

Every now and again, we find ourselves having to discuss sad news, and this week we talk about the loss of Prince and his influence on the genre. His work on Tim Burton’s Batman had more of an impact than some people realize, and we take a look at how Prince’s music influenced a generation of fans. Plus, we pass along our condolences to Patton Oswalt on the sudden death of his wife Michelle McNamara.

In other Internet-blowup (or blowback) news, there’s Ghost in the Shell getting all the hate from the Interwebz because Scarlett Johansson is apparently too white to play a Japanese secret agent in the body of a robot. And there’s a lot of online chatter about the continued fallout over the CBS/Paramount lawsuit against Star Trek: Axanar — now it’s the sequel to Horizon getting a polite C&D before the production even begins.

Plus: Doctor Who companion news!

[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/scifi4me-radio-h2o-1c319f2fd/110-In-Which-We-Discuss-Prince-ScarJo-the-New-Companion-and-More-AXANAR-Victims-a048″]




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