Comic Books & Graphic NovelsTelevision & Film

Dominic Cooper Lands Lead in PREACHER



As we noted in our last Week in Review, Dominic Cooper has been close to a deal on Preacher for a while. Now, it looks as if the deal is done:

Cooper is most notably recognized as Howard Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and his real-life significant other, Ruth Negga, has also spent time in that universe as Raina on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Both will now be regulars on Preacher, with Negga playing Custer’s girlfriend Tulip.

Production begins this summer for a 2016 release.




Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

One thought on “Dominic Cooper Lands Lead in PREACHER

  • Wonder how this will affect the possible Season Two of Agent Carter?


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