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ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: Fear Grows On TEEN WOLF… Now With More Mr. Smith!

Mr. Smith returns to Team Zombie and joins us as we watch Teen Wolf’s Final Season! It’s Zombpocalypse Now and The Wolves That Are Teens!

Teen Wolf Logo
Season 6, Episode 12 “Raw Talent”
Written by Brian Millikin
Directed by Tim Andrew

Teen Wolf
Hi there. I’ll be your Evil Guidance Counselor this season.

Timothy: So on the plus side, the sound of the new mic is cleaner and clearer than the old mic.

Mindy: And the downside? 

Timothy: Well, while experimentation is good, we haven’t quite got the positioning of this motley band quite right yet, so the levels aren’t where they should be yet.

Mindy: You mean Curtis and Dustin are louder than you and I are.

Timothy: Yep. And Dustin keeps hitting the table and scratching the table and bumping the table…

Dustin: I have difficulty keeping my hands still. This is a common thing.

Curtis: And I can’t help it if you two aren’t projecting properly.

Timothy: It’s an improvement. It’ll be better next week. Plus, we’ll have less Yoo-hoo-based mixed drinks.

Curtis: Oh thank god. That was… wrong, on so many levels.

Timothy: Yeah well, I cut out a lot this week that was wrong on so many levels. Dustin.

Dustin: Wait. What? Me? Perish the thought.

Mindy: Mmmm hmmm.

Dustin: You guys are just as bad as I am, and you know it. Tim just edits all your terrible things out to make me look bad.

Timothy: Mmmm hmmm.

Mindy: Anyway! Hi everyone! We’re back with more of the final season of Teen Wolf, and we lured Curtis back to join us!

Curtis: Hi! Send for help!

Mindy: So check out our massive digressions and marginally acceptable behavior as we talk about The Wolves That Are Teens, here on the Zombpocalypse Now podcast! 

[audioplayer file=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/zombpocalypse-now-a79ac0f68/ZOMBPOCALYPSE-NOW-Fear-Grows-On-TEEN-WOLF…-Now-With-More-Mr.-Smith-74bd” titles=”ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: Fear Grows On TEEN WOLF… Now With More Mr. Smith!” artists=”SciFi4Me Radio” track=”FD8604″ text=”000000″]


The final season of Teen Wolf airs Sunday nights at 8/7c on MTV.


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