More Mr. Smith! Greater Digressions! The Adventures of Eugene! Team Zombie talks about The Walking Dead on this week’s Zombpocalypse Now!
Season 7, Episode 11 “Hostiles and Calamities”
Written by David Leslie Johnson
Directed by Kari Skogland

Dustin: I can’t believe you cut out the whole bit.
Timothy: I actually did try to save it.
Dustin: Uh huh.
Timothy: No really, I did. We were just laughing so much it kind of… turned into aural mud.
Curtis: Well, that sounds inappropriate.
Timothy: So did the bit I cut out, but it was really funny. Kinda NSFW, but funny.
Dustin: Folks at home? We had a great discussion about the photo etiquette of adult dating apps. It was very amusing, and all blame for you not being able to share in our amusement falls squarely on Tim’s shoulders. He just doesn’t love you enough.
Timothy: Yeah yeah, whatever.
Curtis: Dustin and I love you though.
Timothy: Uh huh.
Curtis: We love you a lot.
Dustin: We have the dating apps profiles to prove it.
Timothy: You have the dating app profile. Anyway, there is no shortage of us trying to be funny for our listeners, with various degrees of success. And we talk about the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Which is kinda the point. More or less.
Curtis: So sit back, grab a drink and listen to us do all of those things on this week’s Zombpocalypse Now! It’s the podcast thing we do. Sometimes we are a little inappropriate, but we’re mostly harmless. Available on iTunes and Podcasts.com! Leave a comment and listen to our other SciFi4Me Radio podcasts!
[su_audio url=”http://www.podcasts.com/download/zombpocalypse-now-a79ac0f68/ZOMBPOCALYPSE-NOW-The-Walking-Deads-Quiet-CALAMITIES-8a14″]
The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9/8c on AMC.