Frank Dillane as Nick Clark - Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 2, Episode 04 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman/AMC
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Zombpocalypse Now: #TeamZombie Gets The Band Back Together for FEAR THE WALKING DEAD


With Fear the Walking Dead back on Sunday nights, #TeamZombie continues its new Zombpocalypse Now podcast, where Mr. Harvey and Mr. Adair talk things undead like, perhaps, Fear the Walking Dead itself.

Season 2, Episode 4 “Blood in the Streets”
Written by: Kate Erickson
Directed by Michael Uppendahl

Timothy: This week’s Zombpocalypse Now is a bit different. If you’ve been with Dustin and me and our reviews of the Walking Dead universe for a while, then you’ll know the names Anne-Marie and Curtis well, as they were the other members of SciFi4Me’s Team Zombie for most of our run reviewing the shows.

Dustin: With Anne-Marie moving to New Orleans and Curtis’ time in the theatre taking him away from our Sunday night revels, it has just been the two of us, doing our reviews as the videos and now the podcasts. But not tonight… tonight we were all back together again!

Curtis: We got the band back together!

Anne-Marie: We had pie!

Timothy: We watched Fear the Walking Dead!

Anne-Marie: We are not thanking you for that!

Curtis: Dude. Seriously. You guys are mean.

Dustin: Tim won’t let me quit, and I WILL NOT SUFFER ALONE.

Timothy: Quiet you. We had a great time together again, and we think our podcast shows that. It also shows we digress like crazy, are terribly silly and inappropriate people, and should not be allowed in polite company. We hope you have fun listening to us have fun together!

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Fear the Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 8/7c on AMC.


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