Conventions & Events

The Geekly with a Twist: January 27th-February 2nd

Technology sucks sometimes…just sayin’.  So, without any further interruptions… The Geekly!

Happy Year of the Dragon, all (and no, I don’t mean the Sypro game from 2000 that was launched in another Dragon year)!  This Monday marked the most important of the Chinese holidays and the start of the Lunar New Year.  This year is supposed to be an extra-special year, as the Dragon is a symbol of prosperity and good luck in Chinese culture.  If you’re awesome and lucky enough to be a dragon baby like me, go you!  If not, well, they say this is the best year to have yourself an awesome munchkin (if you’re of the age/position of course).  Reglardless, onward with the history!

January 27th, 1832: The brilliant nonsensical writer and mathematician, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (a.k.a. Lewis Carroll), is born in Cheshire, England.

January 27th, 1888: The National Geographic Society is founded in Washington, DC.

January 27th, 1967: The “Outer Space Treaty” is signed…it’s basically a big “don’t put weapons into space” agreement.

January 27th, 2010: Bringing Star Trek into reality, Apple unveils the iPad.

January 28th, 1981: Future Baggins alert!  Elijah Wood is born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

January 28th, 1986: On its tenth mission, the space shuttle Challenger breaks apart and kills all seven crew members.

January 30th, 1974: The man who would rise as The Dark Knight (and have his tirades become a MEME level sensation), Christian Bale is born in Wales.

February 1, 2003: The space shuttle Columbia explodes upon reentry.  Eerily enough for numbers, all seven crew members are killed.

So, in lieu of a direct Twist this week, I found something ridiculously amazing for some fun Alice in Wonderland cocktails (in honor of the authors birthday).  Head on over to this fun Squidoo article and enjoy!

And, of course, what would a Twist be without your Garnish?  This week I’ve decided to leave you something wonderful to enjoy…


Okay, so no zombie references here, but I’ll let you enjoy it for yourself.  Sorry for the late addition of the Geekly, but everyone have a good one!  And, until next week, geek on!

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