The Geekly with a Twist: August 12th-18th
So, Annaleigh back again with your usual Geekly. I just wanted to address something really quick: I realize I’m not getting EVERY event that happened in kind of geeky history…that would see a definite end to the process! Also, I am away from my booze cabinet this week so I apologize in advance for the relatively simple twist. Lastly, I’ll say it in advance: Happy Birthday to ThinkGeek!
August 12th, 1865: Disinfectant is used! This stroke of genius via Joseph Lister is the first time it is used during surgery.

August 12th, 1960: Echo One is launched from Cape Canaveral, FL. It is a balloon satellite and the first communications satellite.
August 13th, 1999: ThinkGeek officially graces the ‘net.

August 14th, 1968: Future Ororo Monroe and general dream-girl Halle Berry is born in Cleveland, OH.
August 15th, 1877: Thomas Edison writes…simply to say “hello” would be a more appropriate greeting than “ahoy” when one answers the telephone.
August 15th 2001: Astronomers announce the discovery of the first solar system beyond ours. There are (at least) two planets that orbit a star in the Big Dipper.
August 18th, 1966: The first pictures of the Earth as seen from moon orbit are sent back to the U.S.
Aaaaand…let’s do The Twist (come one, I’ve been good up until now with the references!).
It’s not so much of a cocktail as a geeky project. In honor of the birthday of the most amazing black hole of time on the internet…may I present you with the DIY Juice to Alcohol kit!

That’s right…for only $9.99 our 21+ crowd can turn any juice into a 28 proof alky delight! Alrighty, sales pitch over. Enjoy ThinkGeek…but don’t say I didn’t warn you about the whole time-suck thing.
See you next Friday!
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