Conventions & EventsInterviewsTelevision & Film

PLANET COMICON 2012 Interviews

Over the weekend of March 24-25, we went back to where it all began: Planet Comicon.

For those not familiar with our history, Planet Comicon was the first event on the calendar right after we got started in March 2009, and in an attempt to take full advantage of that fact, we asked Star Trek author Kevin Dilmore to be a special correspondent and do some interviews for us.

Our first subject: Erin Gray, who played Col. Wilma Deering on “Buck Rogers in the 25th Century”. A very gracious talent, Erin has grown into an agent for other talented performers, representing them as they get booked for appearances at various conventions and events through her company Heroes for Hire.



Zip up to 88 miles per hour and fast forward three years to 2012. This year we had a booth with a spiffy banner, t-shirts, volunteers, and several of us got to participate in panels and interview guests.

Including Erin Gray’s co-stars: Gil Gerard and Felix Silla.





Along the way, Annaleigh Josephs got a chance to talk with two lovely ladies from “The Guild” – Amy Okuda and Robin Thorsen:



And Chris Hager had his turn, not only getting to interview Adrienne Wilkinson, but also moderating her panel at Planet Comicon this year.



Plus, we got to chat with the senior editor of the X-Men titles at Marvel Comics: Nick Lowe, who talks about what it takes to catch the eye of an editor, and what’s in store for fans as Marvel unleashes Avengers vs. X-Men:



More where that came from over at our YouTube channel, and we’ll be adding panel videos soon, so be sure to check it out. Share with your friends!

Jason P. Hunt

Jason P. Hunt (founder/EIC) is the author of the sci-fi novella "The Hero At the End Of His Rope". His short film "Species Felis Dominarus" was a finalist in the Sci Fi Channel's 2007 Exposure competition.

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