PodcastTelevision & Film

The Franklinstein Monster Arrives in SLEEPY HOLLOW


Episode 202 “The Kindred”

The second episode of Sleepy Hollow was all about rescuing Katrina from the Headless Horseman’s clutches. But it’s not the only thing that happened. Irving is back (finally!) but still in major trouble (understatement). There’s a new sheriff in town (literally) and she is not in the know (accepting bets on when that changes!). She does, however, bust Jenny for being too awesome (it’s illegal in some states) and Ms. Mills lands behind bars. Katrina decides she doesn’t want to be a damsel in distress and gets her own agenda, while Abby and Ichabod raise a monster of their own to combat the supernatural.


In the latest SciFi4Chicks podcast, Alex and Heather talk about diversity and how cool the new addition to Sleepy Hollow is. There’s a little disagreement about Ichabod’s actions, but then it’s all about poor Captain Irving signing papers without reading them first. Are we all selling our firstborns to Apple? Who knows. Maybe Katrina can find out, during her spy mission (feels are mentioned about this, too).

Find out what Speed and Princess Bride have in common with Ichabod Crane, get lost in numerous side notes and crossovers that are now a trademark of SciFi4Chicks. And let us know what you thought about the episode!


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